Dangerous and Destructive
Right, I am about to make a generalisation that may be incredibly sweeping and is based largely on my own experience...
I think that one of the most destructive things amongst Christians is anonymous criticism. There's been a number of times that I have been told that someone or some people are unhappy about soemthing that I've been involved with, but i Hear through a third person. I find it really hard to process this type of criticism - I have no way to clarify what has been said or offer any form of explanation/apology where necessary. Instead, I am left with a horrid feeling that someone is upset without having any way to move forward. I am pretty sure that I am the same as others in that I don't like being criticised, even if it is ultimately beneficial. But I do see that it is sometimes very necessary even if it is hard to hear. I would like to think that I am approachable, and wish people would speak to me directly.
I know that I can't make people do that, so instead, I am going to try the following things:
I'll try to be as open, honest and loving with others as possible.
If someone starts telling me what others think, I'll politely ask if they would ask the people involved to come directly to me.
I'll keep praying to God so that I don't take things so personally and don't hold on to things so tightly.
Any more tips??