Introducing the world to Baby Roper...
Introducing the world to Baby Roper...
I think the baby has my eyes!.. it is not the clearest picture as it was laying on its tummy and wasn't posing. I just think that it is incredible that we made this. The whole process really is miraculous. I know that this is not terribly well argued theologically but the creation of new life seems to me to be the clearest sign that there is a God. The fact that by 12 weeks old all of its major organs were formed is amazing and right now the baby continues to develop and grow inside me without me actively doing I overuse Psalm 139 but those words are so beautiful: 'You knit me together inside my mother's womb... I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
The baby is an answer to prayer and we continue to pray for this new life. Your prayers would also be much appreciated. It has, however, made me a little self and baby obsessed, which I wasn't completely expecting. Praying for a little perspective! But the whole thing is so exciting and amazing and wonderful that I can't stop talking about it. Please stop me when I bore you...
P.S. The young people are already telling me what Converse to buy for the baby. Apparently, they start in bootees!