God's Geek

Reflections and random thoughts of a geeky youth worker in North London...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Brain Ache

A brief dive into the mind of Amanda. I am currently considering the following things:

  • Whether I cna relate Saussure's linguistic work to my research project, considering where the postmodern love of stories within discipleship fits with the idea that the meaning of language is up for grabs
  • what highchair to get for Daniel
  • how on earth I can cram some brilliant interviews with some great background reading into 6000 words
  • my imminent return to work and the things I beleive God is saying to me in this area (feeling scared for various reasons!)
  • what veg to next prepare and give To Daniel (squash and carrot successes - swede and sweet potato over the next few days)
  • how on earth Christians are meant to respond to culture - do Niebuhr's theories on culture have space within my research project?
  • how i think contemplative practice is wonderful and essential for listening to God in our crazy world... yet never seeming to do much of it
  • wondering howmany times a day Daniel will smack me in the face - he packs quite a punch for a 5 month old
  • trying to deal with some sad news where although I trust God in it all it is still hard
  • and then having one of those scary late night moments that I have had since I was a chid of just how downright weird life is - are we here at all/is it all just a dream etc etc... but havign read Psalm 84 earlier that evening God reminded me of his sovereignty and remembering that the very nature of faith means that it allows for my odd moments fof crazy doubt!

.... so with so much buzzing around, I will now go run a bath and have a lazy prayer time. It is probably just what I need.

Ps 84: 'My whole being cries out for the living God...A single day in your court is better than a thousand anywhere else.'


Blogger Suzanne said...

Thank you, Amanda - that was so encouraging. Thank you for writing a blog that makes me realise my thoughts are pretty normal. Be encouraged that blogging must all be done for a reason... Psalm 84, hey - cheers for pointing the way. I just left an Isaiah 54 write up on my blog. God's Word is always good - so rich and True!

Daniel is gorgeous - he looks just like the two of you! You are such a legend, Amanda. Your intellegence is such an inspiration! : )

xox Suz

1:04 PM  

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